What brand or store should I go to and for a reasonable price?|||always go with a hyper brand wheel, or kuzak brand wheel ,theyre both very good and i think theyre owned by the same company.
and if your playings on pavement, id recommend that you use at least an 80a wheel, it should say on wheel, or it might also say hard. but any ways here are some wheels that should work.
these should get the job done, and i was just wondering, what kind of wheels were you using before?|||I'm having difficult finding a good wheel for outdoor and indoor. I use Labeda Gripper xsoft on my Tour's and use them outside and inside. Outside they slip way too much, inside they grip better,but I have a hard time adjusting since I practice outside more than I play inside. Any suggestion/advice?
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|||Well for pavement you need outdoor wheels. I had the same problem i would use my normal inline skate and the wheels and skate outside and my wheels would get screwed up. so just decided to buy a cheap pair of skates, put some outdoor wheels on them and thats what I use
Outdoor wheels are usually a lot cheaper
my favorites are__ mission DSX outdoor wheels (highly recommended)
great price for them - http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage-DSXW.html
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