Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How do you become a faster skater in hockey?

I'm a rep hockey plater.Its not like im not fast or not a good skater, it just seems that i slowed down and am less endured than i was before, any tips?|||Strengthen your legs by running and stay in good shape.|||skate faster|||keep skating until your legs hurt|||Run and skate alot. go to open skates or and exercise and eat good...|||Pylometrics, explosive weight lifting, lotsa ice time.|||Do alot of cardio workouts...it really helps. For example at the begininning of my season this september I felt i was slowing down as well...since then I've been using my elliptical working out 30 mins a day for about 4 out 7 days a week. Whenever you got a chance do some cardio activity, helps alot.

Good luck buddy.|||take about ten steps then glide but take the steps big and far and then glide.|||Get some good wheels from a website and work on your lower body muscles|||next time you are on the ice, grab the crossbar of the net and push it ten strides - carefully note the body motion needed to do this - that is the essence of a powerful stride - after that, listen to "duffman" (the pylos etc.) - technique and explosion, easy, huh|||you would have to strengthen your legs

here are some tips.


-do scwats

-hold the scwat position

- and if your realy serious take all the chairs out of your house!!!|||If you are a rep hockey player you have probably taken Power skating lessons some time in the past. Contact the power skating coach for some follow up exercises. If for some strange reason you haven't taken power skating training take the lessons. If you can't find these in your area contact your local figure skating classes and ask them about them.|||practice alot|||By being a lady and keeping your knees close together and your bum above your ankles!

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